About Me

Wednesday Arts is a learning diverse afterschool group based at Cambridge House (Camberwell, London). We have decided to start a blog in order to document and showcase some of the brilliant work that is created at the group! We have also recently received a grant from the Peter Minet Trust to enable us to realise our next project; a multimedia 'album' combining music, video and VJing, model-making animations, prop making, dance and as many of the diverse range of skills our group has to offer. The final piece will consist of a screening of the finished piece as well as an array of performances and entertainment on the night.

Monday, 18 May 2015

MaKey MaKey Drawing Jam

We've recently been experimenting with MaKey MaKey, a device that allows you to connect objects which conduct electricity (like bananas!) up to a computer and control things with them!

We also discovered that led from a pencil also conducts the electricity well enough, so we've started hooking up the MaKey MaKey bongos and pianos up to pencil drawings. Watch to see what happens!;


Wednesday Arts SOUNDCLOUD page!

Here are some of the sounds already created towards Wednesday Arts' upcoming A/V album;

Live Video Drawing

Here are some pictures of our some live video drawing we did back in the winter (as you can tell from the darkness!)

Josue and Deschaun particularly enjoyed the live video transmission of their drawings straight onto the big screen;

Cameron's Train Film

Here are some stills from Cameron's train film where his plastercine Flying Scotsman hurtles through his imaginary landscape;

We'll be calling on Cameron for some of his screen painting expertise for our upcoming A/V album...

Feedback Looping

By pointing a camera straight at the TV whilst it is connected to the TV and also filming live, you can get some pretty strange and exciting effects! The group enjoyed dancing in front of the TV and using it as a never-ending mirror backdrop;

This is something we will definitely return to when producing our audio visual album! 

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Wednesday Arts is a learning diverse afterschool group based at Cambridge House (Camberwell, London). We have decided to start a blog in order to document and showcase some of the brilliant work that is created at the group! We have also recently received a grant from the Peter Minet Trust to enable us to realise our next project; a multimedia 'album' combining music, video and VJing, model-making animations, costume and prop making, dance, acting and as many of the diverse range of skills our group has to offer.

The final piece will be shown publicly in September/October 2015 and will consist of a screening of the finished piece as well as an array of performances and entertainment on the night.

To start off this blog we will be posting some documentation of the work that has led up to this project. Including lots of experimenting with live video feedback loops whilst drawing, painting and even dancing to create an interactive live light show! We have also been experimenting with making our own musical instruments as well using a MaKey MaKey in order to link drawing up to a computer to create its own live soundtrack (keep following our posts for further explanation...).

With this new grant we look to expand these techniques into a fully fledged Audio Visual "Album" for public consumption!